Virginia permit class
VCDL Member?
Already Have a Permit?
If You Have Any of The Above - $100
A $25.00 Discount!
If You Have Two Or More of The Above - $75
A $50 Discount!!
Utah classes
VCDL Member?
If You Have Any of The Above - $100
A $25.00 Discount!
If You Have Two Or More of The Above - $75
A $50 Discount!!
This welcome page is here to give you just a bit of the information you may be looking for, but if it does not, feel free to e-mail us here at 4Permits and don't forget to include a phone number for fastest response!
- Class dates are accessible via the sidebar or click HERE
- If you were a "no show" for any previously class that you registered for you must preregister that the full price
- If you are preregistered and "no show" without informing us, your class fees will be forfeit
- 4Permits does not currently accept credit cards
- See the schedule page for further information
If you want to register for a Virginia (BFS101) class....
(Scroll down for Utah)
just send us an email with the following information:
(No bullet points and answers only please)
- Name, as you want it on the certificate
- Address (house number street name city AND zip)
- Best phone number to get in contact with you if the need arises (xxx.yyy.zzzz)
- Best email address to get in contact with you if the need arises
- Age (not required, but helps me 'shape' the Virginia class material)
- Brief description of your shooting experience
- Brief description of what you would like to learn/cover (there is a bit of flexibility)
- How you found out about the class. (more detail helps me)
- The date of the class you wish to take
To pre-pay, please send a check or money order to the address below:
PO Box 184
Garrisonville VA 22463
Once you have sent the check send me an email so I know to actually check the P.O. Box! - Thanks!
If you want to register for a Utah class....
just send us an email with the following information:
(No bullet points and answers only please)
- Name
- Address (house number street name city AND zip)
- Best phone number to get in contact with you if the need arises (xxx.yyy.zzzz)
- Best email address to get in contact with you if the need arises
- If you already have a Virginia Permit, what did you use to prove competency?
- Brief description of your shooting experience
- How you found out about the class. (more detail helps me)
- The date of the class you wish to take
Thanks - 4Permits
4permits no longer uses Constant Contact.Based on their poor pricing model I have switched to MailChimp. You can sign up for the 4permits.com Newsletter below. -- Thanks!