The Good
One from Range Day
Thank you so very much for helping me Saturday, I had the most wonderful time I can't wait to go back and continue practicing. You made me feel very comfortable as I was scared to death and I truly appreciate that. You have helped me feel safe and secure with being able to protect myself and my family if the need were to ever arise and that I am truly grateful to you for.
My son expressed interest in taking your class so you will be hearing from me soon to sign him up. Since we have guns in our home I would really like for him to understand the safety issues as well as learn to protect himself if the need ever arose.
Again my deepest thanks...
Michelle (20090316)
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I have tried to find out why I shoot left of center tight groups for years and you dialed me in in less than one minute. The range day was well worth the time for me, a Vietnam era vet.
My wife and I learned so much from your Utah class and range day that we are sending our youngest son to you for training. In short, we trust you with the safety of our family.
I highly recommend your classes for everyone.
We look forward to your next range day and future advanced class opportunities.
Mike (20090320)
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I just wanted to thank you again for the concealed carry class I took in late July, it was quite informative and I learned a tremendous amount of valuable information from it.
I appreciated making it quite interesting with your knowledge and humor.
I would highly recommend to anyone your class.
I received my permit within about 10 days of applying for it. My wife , daughter and son-in-law may one day take your class. Keep up the good work.
Larry G. (20090927)
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Bruce Jackson,
First off, I would like to thank you for the excellent class you presented us with. I honestly was unsure what it was going to be like, or what I would learn, and I am pleased to say I was blown away. Originally, I my intent was simply to participate in the class as a means to get my concealed firearm permit, but it seems I never truly understood what it meant to carry one. It has been a long time since I was this excited about something, I could barely sleep last night, as evident by the timestamp on this email (6am). I want to become more involved with firearms, specifically, I really want to get back out to the ranges and begin practicing with a handgun and possibly take some more classes.
The first thing I did when I got home was I dug out my father's old .357 S&W and 9mm Hi-Point to practice the holding grip you showed us in class. I thought my preference would have been the revolver, since that is always what I have carried while hunting, but after handling it the way you showed us, it felt... different. It felt somewhat awkward, I just could not get a comfortable feel for it, and the sights were harder to focus on. I don't know how to explain it really. I then picked up the 9mm and it was instantly more comfortable. Easier for me to grip, it felt comfortable in my hands, it also felt easier to bring up into the firing stance, and the sights were so much clearer.
Oh, and the triggers. You showed us to pull the trigger with the tip of our finger's, not the entire finger, so as to isolate the muscles in our hands to avoid pulling the firearm down and to the left if I recall correctly. Well, the trigger on the .357 was very heavy, it was fairly difficult to pull the trigger with my finger tip while aiming down the sights and keeping it steady. However, I did not have that issue with the 9mm, the trigger was half as heavy, and I could easily squeeze the trigger with my finger tip while keeping a steady aim.
Yet even after all that, the 9mm still felt slightly off to me.
So my question is, where can I go where they will allow me to handle a variety of firearms? I want a fresh start, I want to find a handgun that fits me, one that will be used (or hopefully, will NEVER be used) for self defense, that I can regularly take out to the firing ranges. I am unsure where I can go though.
Thank You.
-Jonathan S. (20100925)
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I just wanted to thank you for everything I learned in your "Basic Firearm Safety 101 Course" in May 2012, it was very informative and I learned a great deal of information.
I really appreciated the number of firearms you brought to class as it made the learning experience that much greater and you answered any questions that I or any other students in the class had.
I would highly recommend your class to anyone.
Mark M. (20120513)
The Bad
- Things you have seen NON-4Permits students doing in error...
and The Ugly
- No comments on my morning appearance please!